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press clippings


For more information about the making of CODED, read and listen to what people are saying, check back often for updates and follow along on STORYHIVE!


READ | Producer JOELY COLLINS is interviewed by Acting Indie about why she thinks  CODED is a series that really needs to get made and why she calls films, "little miracles". 



READ | Jenny Schafer of HerScoop discusses CODED and the flawed public education system with creator STEVE NEUFELD



READ | Producer JOELY COLLINS talks to the WESTENDER's Sabrina Furminger about CODED, and the irony of coming full cirlce in her work with director Gary Harvey



LISTEN | Bob Garlick of Crazy TV Talk talks with JOELY COLLINS at the Vancouver International Web Fest about the joys and the challenges of producing a new web series in a content-heavy realm.



READ | Canada's National Screen Institute recognizes CODED's multiple awards wins. 



READ | Indiewire announces this year's award winners at SeriesFest, which include CODED's star JAROD JOSEPH, who won Best Actor in a Drama for his role as newbie teacher Shae.



READ | In this review, StarryMag gives CODED two thumbs up and talks about why they want you to watch our show.



WATCH | Hollyweb France had the opportunity to chat with producer JOELY COLLINS about what it was like to make CODED and what inspired her to make this series. #WeLoveCinema



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